Is holiday learning on your family’s holiday to-do list? These holiday learning tips are a must-add! While learning over the holidays is not what most students think of during the festive season, incorporating learning-focused activities into the holiday schedule keeps students of all ages on track.
The last thing that kids want over the winter holidays is to do their schoolwork. While taking a break from the normal routine is welcome and necessary, too long away from routines and habits can negatively impact learning momentum. This is especially true for teens heading into final exams a few weeks after returning to school in January.
Check out these ideas to incorporate into your family’s holiday schedule and keep learning on track over the holidays!
Festive and Fun Ideas to Keep Kids on Track Academically
While your holiday schedule may include baking, decorating, and travelling, learning is one to-do item you won’t want to overlook this holiday season. Mixing in a touch of learning keeps kids on track academically, maintains school habits, and helps make the transition back to class post-holiday that much smoother. The best news? Learning over the holidays doesn’t have to be boring!
Check out these fun and festive holiday learning tips to help your kids develop healthy learning habits this holiday season.
Six Seasonal Learning Ideas for All Ages

Develop a Holiday Reading Habit. Reading is one of the greatest ways to work on school skills over the holidays. Regular reading helps children develop their vocabulary and improve their reading comprehension. Choose holiday books to keep holiday learning spirits high!

Flex Creativity Skills with Crafts. Crafts are a great family holiday activity. They reinforce many important school skills like attention to detail, following instructions, and maintaining focus. These activities also encourage creativity and imagination. Plus, kids have a great craft they can feel proud

Play Board Games Together! Playing board games can help kids develop critical thinking skills like strategy, analysis, and planning. They also help improve basic school skills such as addition, subtraction, and reading comprehension.

Stay on Schedule. Don’t forget what day it is just because the Avent Calendar is empty! Studies show that children crave structure and routine, even on breaks from school. Over the holidays, use a calendar or school agenda to stay organized and count down the days to the New Year and the start of school. Teens can use this time to get a head start on January assignments.

Get Skillful at Science. Hands-on activities are a huge hit with kids, and holiday science experiments are the perfect way to learn more about how the world works.

Mix Up Math In the Kitchen With Holiday Baking. Baking holiday goodies is an always popular activity for all ages. Mix in holiday learning with measuring, quantities, and fractions to help children understand math’s practical purposes in everyday life. Check out these ideas to help kids build math skills in the kitchen.
Family-Focused Holiday Learning Help
Learning over the holidays doesn’t have to mean completing math assignments or writing an essay! There are plenty of easy, family-focus holiday activities that incorporate learning, are fun for children of all ages, and keep kids on track for the New Year!
Talk to your local GradePower Learning location team for more ideas to help keep your kids on track academically over the holidays.