6 Good Study Habits Every Successful Student Has

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Every classroom has them—the high achievers who seem to naturally excel in school. What is their secret that allows them to understand class material so easily and get the high grades so effortlessly? The truth is, there is no secret formula—these students have effective study habits and proper motivation.

Effective study habits and motivation can make all the difference when it comes to a student’s grades. No matter what type of learner a student is, effective study habits will make him or her more capable of understanding class material.

There are plenty of ways parents can get their child to practise these effective study habits. Keep reading to learn about the best study habits of successful students and how you can help your child adopt them.

Study Habit #1

Maintaining A Clean Study Space

When workspaces are tidy and organized, students are more likely to feel calm and clear-headed. Students who ensure their desks are clear with their supplies available are better able to sit down and study efficiently with a clear mind.

How You Can Help

Ensure your child has storage space to store old textbooks, notepads, and materials so they don’t add clutter to a desk. You can take your child supply shopping for organizational supplies so your child feels excited about updating his or her workspace.

Study Habit #2

Keeping Positive

A valuable skill many successful students have is staying positive, especially when encountering material they may be struggling with. Students who are able to maintain composure while studying typically do better because they’re not overthinking or panicking if they don’t know something.

How You Can Help

If your child is losing confidence and doubting him or herself while studying, take your child aside and offer some confidence-building tips. Help build your child’s confidence by encouraging him or her to think about how to tackle a problem and how to keep calm while doing it.

Study Habit #3

Planning Ahead

A major reason many students get poor grades is their tendency to procrastinate. They leave assignments and studying to the last minute, spending less time preparing than they should because they’re rushing.

Students who plan their study schedules ahead don’t have to worry about cramming the night before a deadline and are able to take the time they need to fully understand the material. They often do well in tests, exams, and assignments as a result.

How You Can Help

Show your child how you keep organized! Whether it’s keeping a detailed journal or updating a calendar, make sure your child has the materials needed to keep organized. Be sure to offer support in case he or she gets overwhelmed.

Study Habit #4

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

When a student isn’t staying up all night catching up with studying, he or she is able to get the sleep needed to be productive the next day. And that productivity results in less last-minute studying, which means more time to rest and recharge. It’s a continuous cycle that has amazing positive effects on a student’s comprehension.

How You Can Help

If you find your child starting homework late in the night, motivate him or her to start work earlier in the day. You can offer motivation by planning a fun family activity before bedtime for those who have their homework finished. You should also celebrate your child if you notice him or her hitting the books before a certain time in the afternoon.

Study Habit #5

Setting & Working Toward Goals

Successful students set and plan actionable goals to keep them properly motivated during the school year. Goals can take many forms—maintaining a specific average for a class, an overall class average for a semester, or understanding a class concept that interests them serve as great examples. Goals help motivate students to accomplish short-term objectives and keep them focused on the task at hand.

How You Can Help

Work with your child to create SMART goals. This means the goals they have are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. Post the goals somewhere in your home as a daily reminder and celebrate your child when he or she achieves these goals. If your child doesn’t achieve these goals, make sure your child knows it’s not a failure. It just means that other strategies need to be put in place so he or she can meet that goal in the future.

Study Habit #6

Seeking Help If Needed

Successful students aren’t those who don’t have learning disabilities—they are those who are able to identify ways they are struggling and are open to receiving help. They invest time into understanding what strategies work for them depending on what type of learner they are. They are quick to admit if they’re having a tough time and are open to receiving help.

How You Can Help

It’s wise to see if any other factors are affecting a student’s ability to learn. Students who have difficulty learning can be exceptional students; however, they may require specific resources and strategies to get there.

Speak to your child’s teacher and discuss ways you believe your child can be helped in the classroom and at home. It’s also helpful to speak with your child and ask what he or she thinks might help. Whether it’s more time to study or different types of assignments, students are often very capable of articulating what they need in order to succeed. Make sure your child knows there is no shame in struggling with a subject and that his or her challenges can be easily helped!

Equip your child with strategies for success—read the study skills guide now.

Learning How To Be Successful

Our tutors are trained to build your child’s confidence, teach school material, and identify ways his or her study skills can be improved. They work with students of all ages to ensure they are not only confident going to school the next day but excited to share what they’ve learned.

Learn more about the ways we can help your child maintain effective study skills all year round.

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